some scraproom pix
Well what a flat out week it has been here. I have spent a few days helping out with some work to get the new shop ready for opening day .......and it is looking absolutely awesome!!! Opening day is tomorrow with a opening special weekend this sat and sun, so if your in the Rocky area over the weekend pop in and check out the new store .....very, very classy.
Scrapping wise I've still been working on all the projects/features I've got due by the end of this month, am mostly done just one more feature for three layouts to go so am not too stressed over that now. I'd love to share them so i could get some feedback but can't unfortunately so will just have to share some pix of my newly rearranged scraproom. I have a huge area to work with so most things have a home, just a few little fiddly things to find places for and then all will be right. Have started painting the cupboards and such in a nice fresh white so that definetly helps brighten up the room. You'll have to excuse the not-so-funky floor covering, there are plans to sand back and stain the floors to match the rest of the
house but am still waiting for said plans to get into action - at least the not-so-funky floor matches the not-so-funky curtains lol. But I am really lovin the organisation at the moment, really helps with getting in and getting what i need done, trick will be to keep it looking so neat and tidy.
Not a whole lot else been happening here really. Rylan is still being very trying especially at night time when he goes down to sleep. He has always been really good to go to sleep, just a matter of putting him down in his cot and he'd be asleep with 10-15 minutes. But now you put him down and he'll quite easily scream for as long as you leave him there, this is really not the child I am used to. I sprung steven the other night, he's apparently been getting rylan back out of bed when he's screaming.Nearly sat on rylan when i was getting into bed the other night, had been out and had gotten home pretty late that night, went to get into bed and nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt Ry there, then little turdskie had the cheek to say - Hi mumma, I didn't quite have the humour he was expecting i think. Then again last night. Ry was mucking up again and
steven and I were taking it in turns to go in and settle him again. Finally there was quiet so here i was thinking awesome,Ry's finally gone to sleep. Walk into my scraproom and here's Steven on the comp with Ry on his lap ........... not happy Jan. So now not only do i have to get Ry back into routine of going to sleep on his own, but also 'retrain' Steven to not take the easy option LOL. Ahhhh life with a toddler, awesome isn't it??
But you know what, if this is the worst we have in our life at the moment then I should be both happy and grateful. We have each other and we have our health and everything else is going great for us, so i guess in the grand scheme of life a little sleep deprivation really ain't so bad now is it?
Okie, well i better run - is bathtime here, which is not long followed by bedtime - any one got some spare earplugs by chance LOL.
take care and will chat again soon.
Julie xx
Thankyou so much for allowing us this peek inside you scrapping is absoutley homey... welcoming and I could just imagine plonking myself on that lounge.
Good luck with the night time routine.... it does get better...and then you get to our stage...we quite often in bed first...we are asking them not to keep us
Mardi xx
Oh my gosh Julie, did I just step into your scraproom or a franchise of the Embellished Scrapbook Shoppe...LOL! And I thought I had a lot of product! Gorgeous area Julie.
All the best with settling the little man, I can't really offer any advice, but I'm sure it will get better!
Wow Julie - think you need to come sort out my scrapbooking area. It looks absolutely fabulous - you look to have so much room. Hope things settle down with Rylan real soon and he settles back into his good bedtime routine. It was great seeing you again tonight too at Embellished Opening. Your classes look pretty awesome - can't wait to come scrap with you again soon.
Hi Julie
llooovvvee your scrapping space. It looks awesome. Hope you little guy gets back into a routine real soon for you.
Best wishes
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